Please click here for details and times of current children's programs.

Storytime guidelines:
- Grownups, please plan to find a spot where you and your child(ren) can sit and participate together. The more you participate in storytime, the more children will participate, enjoy, and learn from storytime.
- Please enjoy your food, toys and cell phones after storytime.
- Wiggling is okay! Sometimes little bodies need to move in order to listen; they are still taking in all the language and early literacy goodness.
Some days children aren't in the right mood for storytime. If a child is having a bad day or becomes disruptive, please feel free to take a break and try again.
Storytime sessions run seasonally, in winter, summer, and fall. Keep an eye on the library calendar for specific dates.
Questions? Please call 608-437-5021 or email mhpl [at] mounthorebwi.info.
Program descriptions:
All Ages Storytimes:
All ages of children are welcome! The content is geared towards young children and their and caregivers. Feel free to just show up, registration is not required. This program runs approximately 30 minutes and will be the same for both the Monday morning and Thursday evening session.
Storytimes may include songs, 2-3 picture book read alouds, flannel board activities, crafts, and invitations to play. The librarian leading storytime will sit or stand in front of everyone who has come to participate. Feel free to choose a mat and a spot to sit in front of the librarian. Storytime may be set up in the Teen Area or in the Children's Area, depending on the size of the group.
All ages storytimes for children and their caregivers to wind down before bedtime. Celebrate stories as we share books, rhymes, music and movement in a format appropriate for young children. This program runs approximately 30 minutes and may end with an activity/playtime.
Toddler Music:
Enjoy fun ways to develop early literacy skills in young children with music, dancing, singing and exploration of simple musical concepts. Recommended for ages 1-4, siblings welcome. Great for wigglers! This program runs approximately 30 minutes.
Want to sing along to your favorite Toddler Music songs at home? Click here for a playlist of some Toddler Music classics.

Please click here for details and times of current children's programs.