Sensory Garden



In 2024, the library received a grant from the Mount Horeb Rotary Club to transform the patio outside the Children's Area into a Sensory Garden and additional programming space. Extra special thanks to the Rotarians who volunteered their time and muscle to help assemble the wheelchair-accessible raised beds and garden fence.  The space is open to library users of all ages during library open hours. 


Upcoming Garden Events


Wednesday, March 26, 10-11 am

Growing your own plants from seeds is a fun and rewarding activity for the whole family! Lynn Messenger from the Mount Horeb Community Garden will teach us about how to start growing plants from seeds. Supplies will be provided and participants will be able to take home a couple seedlings to grow at home. This interactive workshop is geared towards ages 4-10 and their caregivers. Registration required, please sign up here. 



Monday, May 19, 3:45-5 pm

Get your hands dirty and help us get our garden growing! For experienced gardeners or folks who would like to try it out, come learn some planting techniques and names of different plants. Supplies will be provided. This interactive workshop is geared towards ages 4-10 and their caregivers. Registration required, please sign up here. 

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